Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Coming soon..... a Christmas tree near you!!!! Will it be YOUR tree???? Today, I finally got around to taking a picture of the "Sugar on Snow" knitted neck cowl or warmer from KNITTY!!! For those of you who want the specs.....the yarn is Lorna's Laces Worsted in "Motherlode" (and yes I did gauge it because the original was made with two strands of DK from Knitpicks) and the needles were #9 16" circulars like the pattern required. I did do the icord on #7s for the record, and skipped the leaves on it. Ok, my "plan" was to add these big holed silver beads I have BUT the cord was too thick. I will make another with a smaller cord and we will see what happens!!!

So that's it.....Thanks Lynnea for lighting a fire under my butt and making me get out and take the picture!!! I'm currently designing a little felted ipod "cozy" with BEADS!!!! And I will take a picture soon. I'm headin' out of town (again!!) on Saturday and I'm winding up more Lorna's Laces to make neck cowls with so you just might be the lucky recipient of one this holiday season!!! :)